Write For Us

We encourage everyone to submit posts and share your knowledge and experiences here. Preference will be given to the categories/content relevant to the website theme Technology and Internet, but if your category or content is good/interesting, it can be accepted, even if such category is not present currently on website, we will create that. So the main key to post on 'IPL Cricket & Sports Blog' is to submit good/interesting content. 'IPL Cricket & Sports Blog' follows strict quality guidelines and accept only unique content. The content should also not be published elsewhere and relevant image will improve the chances of acceptance. We will scrutinize your post and only those that pass our quality assurance standards will be published. Some minor changes can be done on the content, if required. One link to your website will be provided in the author bio. Apart from that, links are allowed in the body of the content only to support statements with appropriate examples or references. Links should be used to enhance your post and not to create a back-link profile. Affiliate links will not be allowed. Your post cannot be edited after submission, unless we return it to you for changes. The editing process takes several days as we review and edit each post, so, please be patient. In case we require further information, editing or any changes from you, we will contact you. Notifications for content acceptance and rejection will be sent to you. If your post is not acceptable as per our quality standards, we will return it to you for editing along with instructions or reject it. The decision of the editor will be final.

Send your content on am.gp.blogger@gmail.com with the subject line: "Guest Post – Title".

Basic Guidelines for Content:
  • The word count for the content must be at least 500 or more.
  • Content that adds value and that has lots of examples and stats is considered ideal for submission.
  • Perform basic editorial tasks like spell check and grammar check before submission. Error free posts have a higher chance of quick approvals.
  • Images should be used in posts only if you have the rights for it and you must include attributions as needed.
  • Emails regarding your post will be sent to the email address that you have mentioned in your account.
If you have any query or suggestion, you can reach us through our 'Contact Us' form.

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